Dear Next Level Performance families,
For the last several weeks, my daughter has been complaining about knee pain after practice and games. We always respond the same – ice, Motrin, rest. Inside I am telling myself she has grown four inches, she is doing too much, she just needs to deal with it. Normal pain for a growing athlete. She always has something – knee, achilles, shoulder….
Recently the complaining got loud enough. We took her to PT, something we didn’t have time for. Make the appointment, get out of work, get out of school, new year – new deductible… Thank goodness we did. Suffice to say her pain was the leading edge of a potentially catastrophic knee injury in her future. Easily fixed with the right training plan. I can only imagine this is happening in many families.
I am acutely aware of the problems knee injuries bring to the athlete. I have had 6 knee surgeries. Female athletes suffer 3-6 times more knee injuries than male athletes. Soccer, basketball, softball and volleyball cause the majority of the injuries. The good news is you can train the risk of injury out of the athlete. This is why we designed the R.I.S.E. UP! (Raising Injury & Sports Education) Injury Prevention Program. 250,000 U.S. athletes will tear their ACL this year. Is your child at risk? Are they complaining about pain? Do they have muscle imbalances that could lead to injury?
We want to help! Next Monday, March 13, 6:00pm at the Dome Sports Center in Schoolcraft Michigan, our Official Healthcare Partner, Agility Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, will be hosting a free Injury Risk and Performance Evaluation. All athletes will be provided a clinical assessment combined with on the field testing to provide a complete picture of risk & performance. This is a free service provided to any interested athlete. There is no obligation to register for the R.I.S.E. UP! program.
Does your child:
- Play or practice more than 1 sport at a time?
- Play or practice 1 sport for more than 6 months out of the year?
- Have a nagging repetitive injury?
- Have any acute muscle or joint pain?
- Have a significant weakness?
- Have neck or back pain?
- Have previous surgeries or injuries that have restricted their ability to play?
If you answered yes to one or more of the previous questions, please stop in and see one of our clinicians on March 13 for your free evaluation.
Warm Regards,
Jud Hoff
Director of Business Strategy